My client E arrived nearly 4 months into her second pregnancy wishing to work out the scar tissue associated with her c- section incision. She was looking to deliver her second baby via vaginal birth after c- section (V-BAC). E was looking to feel confident that her scar could support a pregnancy and carry her through her second delivery without further medical intervention.

We determined that the incision site had several areas of adhesion that would benefit from release. Given the health of E’s pregnancy work began on the incision immediately. Scar tissue release work during pregnancy can involve adhesions that extend into the entire abdominal cavity. Despite the depth of influence a scar has, tissue release work may be performed safely during pregnancy. E and I agreed to continue the work through her pregnancy as long it is was comfortable, tolerable, and her scar was accessible without compromise.
Our next five massage sessions where a combination of 15-20 minutes of active scar tissue release and 45- 60 minutes of full body prenatal massage. Each session began with scar tissue palpation for both practitioner and client, then techniques to work the most immobile areas of tissue ending with palpating the incision to assess the flexibility and improvement gained.
The moment a client palpates a scar after reduction work, is one of the most rewarding. A client touches into their body where they previously associated pain, trauma, and perhaps shame or guilt. They sense the softening of the tissue and the flexibility, they see a color shift from vibrant dark tissue to lighter more translucent skin. Their facial expression moves from skeptical and inquisitive to downright excited and elated! Every time I feel as if I have awarded someone a million dollars!
E found the work and the sensations associated to be a deeply healing process. We discussed how working the scar brought her a sense of reconnection with her body, allowed for acceptance of the medical intervention that had been unplanned, the release of the twinges of discomfort and restriction also meant a noticeable release of the trauma associated with intervention, and how the release allowed her to feel more confident and strong that her body would be able to deliver vaginally. After each session E would mention how nice it was to give her scar the love and attention it deserved to heal.
When labor and delivery came E was able to successfully deliver her second baby vaginally without complication!
When to consider scar tissue release
When your scar has completely healed fully both internally and externally- a minimum of 6 weeks after surgery or trauma
When your scar shows signs of inconsistent texture, variations in width, visible puckering, or develops a Keloid
When day to day movements feel unduly restricted or tied to the scar tissue.
When your scar reduces range of motion
When your scar affects quality of life.
Scar tissue work can be done months or years after an incident. If you are pregnant and wish to pursue scar tissue work in the abdominal region we will review current health history and assess for any complications that may impact your pregnancy.
Feel free to contact Jennifer for a phone or email consultation to see if scar tissue release work is right for you. 215- 301- 3072 Jennifer June is a Holistic Health Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist, Educator and Trained Postpartum Doula in Philadelphia. Jennifer has worked with pregnant clients since 1997 and releasing scar tissue since 2004.